Create Teams for Partners

Organizing your partner resources into teams helps streamline many processes, such as assignment, approval, and notification workflows.

Create Teams

Sales administrators and channel managers can use these steps to create teams for a partner account.

  1. Sign in with your sales administrator or channel manager credentials.

  2. On your home page, click Partner Management and click Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, click the name of the partner account you want to create a team for.

  4. On the Edit Partner page, click the subtab for the business object you want to create a team for. The following table lists the business objects you can create teams for and how to navigate to the page where you can add team members.

    Business Object



    Click the Team subtab.


    Click the Leads subtab, select the lead, and click the Team subtab on the View Lead page.

    Deal Registrations

    Click the Deal Registrations subtab, select the deal registration, and click the Team subtab on the Edit Deal Registration page.


    Click the Opportunities subtab, select the opportunity, and click the Team subtab on the Edit Opportunity page.

    Service Requests

    Click the Service Requests subtab, select the reference number of the service request, and click the Team subtab on the Edit Service Request page.

    Business Plans

    Click the Business Plans subtab, select the business plan, and click the Team subtab on the Edit Business Plan page.

  5. Click Add Team Member.

  6. Search for and select the resource you want to add to the team.

  7. Click OK to add the resource to the team.

  8. On the Edit page, you can provide more information about the resource, such as:

    • Access: Select the level of access you want the resource to have for the business object. Default values are View, Edit, and Full.

    • Function: Select the role that the resource has in the company, such as channel account manager.

  9. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

Create MDF Teams

Sales administrators and channel managers can use these steps to create teams for MDF budgets, MDF requests and MDF claims.

  1. Sign in with your sales administrator or channel manager credentials.

  2. On your home page, click Partner Management and click MDF.

  3. Depending on which MDF business object you want to create a team for, click the Requests, Claims, or Budgets subtab.

  4. On the List page, select the MDF request, MDF claim, or MDF budget you want to create a team for.

  5. On the Edit page, click the Team subtab.

  6. Click Add Team Member.

  7. Search for and select the resource you want to add to the team.

  8. Click OK to add the resource to the team.

  9. On the Edit page, you can provide more information about the resource, such as:

    • Access - Select the level of access you want the resource to have for the business object. Default values are View, Edit, and Full.

    • Function - Select the role that the resource has in the company, such as channel account manager.

  10. Click Save and Close to save your changes.