Manage Partner Announcements

Announcements are an effective means of providing your partners with important information.

If you have sales administrator or channel operations manager credentials, you can use the Partner Announcements page to manage the announcements you want your partners to see on their home page when they sign into the channel organizations applications.

You can use the Show tool on the Partner Announcements page to view active, expired, and future partner announcements.

Create a New Partner Announcement

Channel operations managers and sales administrators can use these steps to create a new announcement for a partner or partners.

  1. Sign in with your channel operations manager or sales administrator credentials.

  2. From the Partner Management page, click Partner Announcements.

  3. On the Partner Announcements page, you see a list of all active partner announcements.

    Note: You can see expired or future announcements by setting the Show filter to Expired or Future respectively.
  4. Click Create Announcement to create the partner announcement.

  5. On the Create Announcement page, provide the following required information:

    • Subject: what the announcement is about in a couple words

    • Start Date: you can send future announcements by selecting the appropriate date.

    • End Date: you can set a date for the announcement to end.

    • Content: you can add plain text, html, an embedded icon, image, video, or hyperlink.

  6. You can click Save and Close to save the announcement and it will be sent to all partners when activated.

  7. If you want to send the announcement to one or more specific partners, select one of the following Audience options:

    • Select Partners by Attributes: you specify partners based on partner country, partner type, or partner level.

    • Select Specific Partners: click Add Partner and select at least one partner from your list of partners.

  8. Click Save and Close to send the announcement out to the specified partner or partners.

    When the date indicated as the start date for the partner announcement occurs, the announcement appears to partners on their home page and remains there until the specified end date or until you specify and end date.

Deactivate a Partner Announcement

Channel operations managers and sales administrators can use these steps to deactivate an announcement so their partner or partners can no longer see it.

  1. Sign in with your channel operations manager or sales administrator credentials.

  2. From the Partner Management page, click Partner Announcements.

  3. On the Partner Announcements page, you see a list of all active partner announcements.

  4. Select the announcement you want to deactivate.

  5. On the Edit Announcements page, provide an end date for the announcement.

  6. Click Save and Close to deactivate the announcement on the specified end date.