Manage Partner Assets for Channel Managers

Channel managers can use the Assets subtab on the Partner details pages to do the following:

  • Create assets or edit asset details for their partner accounts.

  • Add team members to an asset team.

  • Add contacts for an asset.

  • Create leads, opportunities, or service requests for an asset.

  • Export a list of a partner's assets.

  • Delete an asset.

  • Reinstate an asset.

Create or Edit Partner Assets

Channel managers can use these steps to create or edit assets for their partners:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner you want to have an asset.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. To create an asset, click Create Asset. To edit an asset, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to edit.

  6. Verify or edit information in the following fields.

    The following table shows the fields on the Create Asset page.

    Field Name


    Asset Owner

    This field is automatically populated with the name of the partner account you're currently viewing.

    Asset Number

    This field indicates a unique identification number for the asset. This number is automatically generated. However, it can be overwritten.

    Serial Number

    If the asset includes a serial number, you can type it in this field.


    Use this field to provide a description of the partner asset.


    Use this field to indicate the status of the asset. Valid values are Active and Retired. When you create an asset, the default value is Active.

    Product Type

    Use this field to indicate whether the asset is a product or product group. The default value is Product.


    Use this field to select the product or product group you're creating for the partner. The values in this field change based on your selection in the Product Type field.

  7. Click Save and Continue.

  8. You see the following additional fields.

    The following table shows the additional fields you see on the Create Asset page after you click Save and Continue.

    Field Name


    Product Description

    This field provides a read-only description of the asset.


    Use this field to provide a unit price for the asset.


    Use this field to indicate the total number of this specific asset that the partner has.

    Start Date

    Use this field to indicate the date on which the partner assumes ownership of the asset.

    End Date

    Use this field to indicate the date on which the asset no longer belongs to the partner.


    Use this field to attach additional materials to the partner asset.

  9. Click Save or Save and Close to save your work.

Add Team Members to an Assets Team

Channel managers can use these steps to add team members to an asset team for their partners:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the asset you want to add team members to.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to add team members to.

  6. On the Edit Asset page, click the Team subtab.

  7. On the Asset Team page, select or create the account for the team member that you want to add to your partner's asset.

  8. Save your work.

Add Contacts for an Asset

Channel managers can use these steps to add a contact to one of their partner's assets:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the asset you want to add a contact to.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to add a contact to.

  6. On the Edit Asset page, click the Contacts subtab.

  7. On the Asset Contacts page, select or create the contact that you want to add to your partner's asset.

  8. Save your work.

Create Leads, Opportunities, or Service Requests for an Asset

Channel managers can use these steps to create a lead, opportunity, or service request for one of their partner's assets:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the asset you want to create a lead, opportunity, or service request for.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to create a lead, opportunity, or service request for.

  6. On the Edit Asset page, click the one of the following:

    • Lead subtab

    • Opportunity subtab

    • Service Request subtab

  7. Provide any required information for the lead, opportunity, or service request.

  8. Save your work.

Export a List of Partner Assets

Channel managers can use these steps to export a list of their partner's assets:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the assets you want to export a list of.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click Export.

  6. Indicate where you want to save the exported list of your partner's assets.

  7. Save your work.

Delete an Asset

When channel managers delete an asset, they're deleting the relationship between the asset and the partner account. Channel managers can use these steps to delete an asset from their partner account:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the asset you want to delete.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to delete.

  6. From the Actions menu, select Delete.

  7. Save your work.

Reinstate an Asset

Channel managers can use these steps to reinstate an asset for their partner:

  1. Sign in with your channel manager credentials.

  2. Click Partner Management and Partners.

  3. From your list of partners, select the partner that has the asset you want to reinstate.

  4. Click the Assets subtab.

  5. On the Assets page, click the Asset Number for the asset you want to reinstate.

  6. From the Actions menu, select Reinstate.

  7. Save your work.