Manage Partner Relationships

Channel managers can use the Relationship subtab to manage multiple partner relationships, such as the relationship between re-sellers and distributors. Channel managers can view existing relationships the partner has, and add new relationships to other accounts, contacts, or partners.

They can also add comments to each relationship for the selected partner.

View Your Partner Relationships

Channel managers can use these steps to view existing relationships for the partner:

  1. Sign in with your Channel Account Manager credentials.

  2. Click Partners.

  3. Search for and select the partner you want.

  4. Click the Relationships subtab.

  5. In the Show field, select Relationships (if it's not already selected).

    The page refreshes to show a list of all relationships for the selected partner.

Add New Partner Relationships

Channel managers can use these steps to add new relationships to the partner:

  1. Sign in with your Channel Account Manager credentials.

  2. Click Partners.

  3. Search for and select the partner you want.

  4. Click the Relationships subtab.

  5. In the Show field, select Relationships (if it's not already selected).

    The page refreshes to show a list of all relationships for the selected partner.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Provide the following information:

    The following table shows the field names on the Relationships page and provides a description for each.

    Field Name



    The type of entity the relationship will be created with, such as Partner, Account, or Contact.


    The type of relationship between the selected partner and the related object, such as Contact, Distributor, or Re-seller. The relationship values depend on the type of object selected in the Type field. For example, if the Type is Partner, then the valid values are Re-seller and Distributor.


    The name of the object you're relating to the partner.


    You can add any information about the relationship that you believe is valuable to preserve.

  8. Click Save.