MDF Audit Report for Channel Managers

Sales administrators and channel managers can use the MDF audit reports to track any changes to standard and customer-defined attributes of both parent MDF objects and their child objects.

You can track new, updated, and deleted records for the MDF objects and for the attributes of the MDF objects that are enabled for auditing.

For each of your MDF records, you can also track what attribute was changed, including both the old and the new value, when it was changed, and who changed it - even if the change was made by an impersonator.

The MDF audit features aren't included with shipped job roles and these features aren't automatically available. Sales Administrators must first configure functional security to determine which role or roles can configure MDF audit, and which role or roles can create audit reports. Before you can run the MDF audit report, sales administrators or channel operations managers must also select which MDF objects are turned on for audit and build the audit report.

What Is Audited for MDF?

The following table shows which child objects are audited for each MDF object, including MDF Budget Team and MDF Budget Countries for MDF Budget, MDF Request Team for MDF Request, and MDF Claim Team and MDF Claim Settlement for MDF Claim.

MDF Object Name

Audited Object

MDF Budget

MDF Budget Team

MDF Budget

MDF Budget Countries

MDF Request

MDF Request Team

MDF Claim

MDF Claim Team

MDF Claim

MDF Claim Settlement

Build and Run the MDF Audit Report

Audit data is available as of the day the object and attributes were enabled.

Sales administrators and channel operations managers can follow these steps to build, run, and export the MDF audit report.

  1. Sign in with your Sales Administrator or Channel Operations Manager credentials.

  2. From the Navigator, click the Audit Reports link.

  3. On the Audit Reports page, set the parameters for the audit report, including:

    1. Enter the dates for the period of time you want to audit. You can select before or after a specific date, a specific date, or a date range.

    2. You can choose to track all changes made by a specific user on any object including the MDF objects for which audit is activated.

    3. You can choose to track changes made by a specific user on all MDF objects under the Marketing product.

    4. You can choose to track changes made by a specific user on a specific MDF object under the Marketing product.

    5. You can choose to track changes made by any user on all MDF objects under the Marketing product.

    6. You can choose to track changes made by any user on a specific MDF object under Marketing product.

    7. You can choose to track changes by all events or specific events, such as Object Data Insert, Object Data Update, Object Data Delete.

    8. You can choose to track changes made to the child objects of the MDF objects.

    9. You can search for changes by description. The text you type in the Description field is matched against the attribute specified for each MDF object. For example, if you type 005, then the application searches for Budget Codes with 005, Resource IDs with 005, and so on.

      The following table shows the attribute name you can use to search for each MDF object.

      MDF Object Name


      MDF Budget

      Budget Code

      MDF Budget Team

      Resource ID

      MDF Budget Countries

      Country Code

      MDF Request

      Fund Request Code

      MDF Request Team

      Resource ID

      MDF Claim

      Claim Code

      MDF Claim Team

      Resource ID

      MDF Claim Settlement

      Number (This number is the Claim Settlement ID and it's displayed on the UI).

  4. Run the search.

    The default MDF audit report returns the following information:

    • The date the change was made

    • The user who made the change

    • The event type

    • The MDF object that was changed

    • A description of the change.

  5. To see whether changes were made by an impersonating user, select the Show Impersonator check box.

  6. To see the attribute details, select the Show Attribute Details check box and either select All Attributes or specify the individual attributes to be displayed in the following new columns:

    • Attribute

    • Old Value

    • New Value

  7. To see additional MDF object attributes in addition to the field that was changed, select the Show Extended Object Identifier Columns check box and the information appears in the following new columns:

    The following table shows the extended object identifier columns and values for each MDF business object, including MDF Budget, MDF Request, MDF Claim, MDF Claim Settlement, MDFBudget Team, MDF Request Team, and MDF Claim Team.

    Business Object Type

    Context Name1

    Context Name2

    Context Name3

    MDF Budget




    MDF Request




    MDF Claim




    MDF Claim Settlement




    MDF Budget Team




    MDF Request Team




    MDF Claim Team




  8. To export the audit report to Microsoft Excel, select the Export action from the Action menu.