MDF Request and MDF Claim Approvals

Partners, channel account managers, and other designated marketing development fund (MDF) approvers can view the approval history of MDF claims and MDF requests that they have visibility into, so they can track who took an action, when and why the action was taken.

Users can view MDF request and MDF claim approval history either in a region on the Edit page, or in a separate subtab on the Edit MDF Request and Edit MDF Claim pages.

By default, approval history is available in a region of the Edit MDF Request and Edit MDF Claim pages. However, sales administrators can expose the Approval History subtab on these Edit pages instead.

View Approval History Information

The following table lists the information available on the Approval History region or subtab.

Type of Information Shown


Current Assignee

The current assignee can do the following:

  • View assignee information, including both the current and future assignees.

  • If the MDF request or MDF claim is assigned to one or more users, then the full person name for each assignee is shown, including the date and time.

  • If the MDF request or MDF claim is assigned to one or more approval groups, then each user in the group is displayed.

  • If the MDF request or MDF claim is assigned to one or more job roles, then the role name for each role is displayed separately, including the date and time.

  • If an approval stage for the MDF request or MDF claim has multiple approvers, the current assignee can identify which approvers are required to approve in that stage.

Actions Performed

Actions performed information is displayed chronologically, starting with the latest action performed.

Approval history tracks the following performed actions:

  • Submitted by

  • Approved by

  • Returned by (Return reason and Comments if provided by approver)

  • Rejected by (Reject reason and Comments if provided by approver)

  • Withdrawn by

  • Delegated by

  • Escalated by

  • Reassigned by

Future Approvers

Future approvers can be users, groups of users, or job roles.

If the future approver is a user, then the full person name for each approver is shown. If the future approver is a job role, then the descriptive name of the role is shown. Users with the specified role won't be shown.

MDF Requests and Claims Approval

When the MDF request or MDF claim is submitted for approval, the task flow is triggered. However, approvers can also perform approval actions on the Edit pages for MDF requests and MDF claims.

First or final approvers can perform the following approval actions for MDF requests and MDF claims:

  • Approve

  • Reject

  • Return

Note: The full list of approval actions is available to new customers by default. However, if you're an existing customer and you're using modified MDF request or MDF claim layouts, you only see the Submit, Delete, and Terminate actions. Your sales administrator must use Application Composer to add the other actions to your modified layouts.

The list of actions changes depending on the status of the request or claim and the user's role. For example, when an MDF request or MDF claim is in Draft status, partner and channel users can see the Submit and Delete actions. When an MDF request or MDF claim is in Pending status, approvers can see the Approve, Reject, and Return actions.

The following table shows all of the approval actions and provides a description of each.

Approval Action



This action is enabled for the assignee (whoever the approval task is assigned to, such as the specific user, users with a specific role, or all users in an approval group).

If you're the final approver, the status of the MDF request or MDF claim changes to Approved after you approve it. If you're not the final approver, the status of the MDF request or MDF claim remains in Pending Approval after you approve it.


Channel operations manager, sales administrators (or any administrator roles you created), or any user on the team with edit or full access to the MDF request or MDF claim can delete it.

The status of the MDF request or MDF claim must be Draft before it can be deleted.


This action is enabled for the assignee (whoever the approval task is assigned to, such as a specific user, users with a specific role, or all users in an approval group).

After the MDF request or MDF claim has been rejected, its status changes to Rejected and no further actions are possible for the MDF request or MDF claim.


This action is enabled for the assignee (whoever the approval task is assigned to, such as a specific user, users with a specific role, or all users in an approval group).

After the MDF request or MDF claim has been returned, its status changes to Returned. When users with edit or full access to the MDF request or MDF claim reopen the request or claim, only the Submit action is available.


Only the submitter of the MDF request or MDF claim can withdraw it.

After the MDF request or MDF claim is withdrawn, its status changes to Withdrawn. When the submitter reopens the MDF request or MDF claim, only the Submit action is available.


Partner users and channel users with edit or full access to the MDF request or MDF claim can terminate it.

The MDF request or MDF claim must be in Approved status before it can be terminated.

After the MDF request or MDF claim has been terminated, its status changes to Terminated and no further actions are possible for the MDF request or MDF claim.