Overview of Partner Program Enrollments Management

A partner program enrollment (called Enrollment) is the enrollment of a partner in a specific partner program. Active enrollment in partner programs can make partners eligible for benefits and incentives that come with the partner program.

A partner program, also called a channel partner program, is a business strategy that brand owners use to encourage partners to sell the brand owner's products or associated services. Channel partner programs can also feature specific incentive opportunities for sales of a specific product or service to help boost the brand owner's market reach with that product. These incentives can be additional margins on sales of a specific product, increasing based on volume of sales. Other incentives can include awards and industry recognition at brand owner events, extra marketing resources, or rewards to channel partner sales staff.

Channel operations managers can manage partner program enrollments for their partners by approving partner enrollment requests, enrolling partners in programs, editing enrollment summary information, and renewing partner enrollments. The most common tasks channel operations managers perform with enrollments are grouped together on the Actions menu.

Note: By default, partner users can't access partner program enrollments. To provide access, assign the ZPM_VIEW_PARTNER_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENT_PRIV and ZPM_APPLY_PARTNER_PROGRAM_PRIV privileges.