Overview of the Sales Infolets Page

The Sales Infolets page on the springboard gives channel managers an overview of how partner sales representatives are meeting their quotas, how partners are moving deals through the pipeline, and areas partner sales representatives must focus on for best results.

Each infolet provides key data about a specific area, for example, the revenue from your top open opportunities, what opportunities aren't progressing, and other business transactions. This information keeps channel managers up to date on the sales progress of their partners.

Infolets on the Sales Infolets Page

The following table shows the infolets that appear on the Sales Infolets page:

Infolet Name


Actual versus Quota (quarterly sales)

The Actual vs Quota infolet provides channel managers with information about the partner's revenue goal for that quarter, the revenue the partner won for that quarter, and what the difference is between the two.

Top Opportunities

The Top Opportunities infolet provides channel managers with revenue information about the top open opportunities (opportunities that have a win percentage greater than 70) for that quarter, and the number of opportunities that have a win percentage greater than 70 for that quarter.

Stalled Opportunities

The Stalled Opportunities infolet provides channel managers with information about the total revenue from open opportunities that have been in the same stage for longer than the expected time period, and the number of open opportunities that have been in the same stage for longer than the expected time period.

Open Pipeline

The Open Pipeline infolet provides channel managers with information about the total revenue amount of potential sales from all open opportunities for the current and next quarter, and the number of open opportunities in process for the current and next quarter.

Partner Status

The Partner Status infolet provides channel managers with detailed information about the partner, including the number of partners currently awaiting activation (partners in either Prospective or Registered status).

Partner Performance

The Partner Performance infolet provides channel managers with detailed information about the top performing partner, including the partner name and revenue amount.