Partner Program Actions and Status

A partner program can have different statuses during its life cycle. The program's status determines the actions you can take on the program.

The following table shows the partner program actions and a description of each.




Select this action to create a new partner program.


Select this action to remove a partner program. You can only delete programs that are in Draft status.


Select this action to end the partner program but not delete it.


Select this action to withdraw a submitted partner program.


Select this action to publish a program. A partner program in Published status is active and partners can enroll into it.

The following table shows the partner program statuses and a description of each.




This is the initial status for newly created programs. This is also the state to which programs return when they're unpublished (or withdrawn from a customer-defined approval workflow - if configured).

The channel organization can delete programs in Draft status.


This status indicates that the partner program is undergoing approval processing. When programs are in this state, you can't edit them except for modified fields specifically configured for editing in this state.


The partner program enters this state if the approval process fails. You can edit programs in this state.


If you're using modified approval rules to route programs to another user for approval and that approver rejects the program, the program enters this state. You can edit programs in this state.


This status indicates that the partner program is active and is open for enrollment to partners. When programs are in this state, you can't edit them except for customer-defined fields specifically configured for editing in this state.


This state means the program has been terminated, either manually through a user action, or automatically upon the program's end date. When programs are in this state, you can't edit them except for customer-defined fields specifically configured for editing in this state.

Note: The channel organization can review partner programs that are in Draft, Failed, or Terminated status.