Allow Updating of External Appointments

The salespeople who use Microsoft 365 add-in can share external appointments with the sales application. Even though the appointment is external to the company, you may want to let salespeople edit certain details, such as the account, opportunity, and lead.

Rember that the meeting details, such as day, time, description, and location, will still be read-only.

Here's how you can enable updating the external appointments:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for External Appointments Editing Enabled (ORA_ZMM_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_APPT_EDIT) and set the Site value to Yes.
  3. Save and Close the page.
Note: External appointments synced from Microsoft 365 should be linked to your sales data to allow for tracking and analytics.