Sync Recurring Appointments

Recurring appointments can be shared with Oracle either using the add-in or when they're categorized as Shared with Oracle. However, updating and deleting recurring appointments follows certain rules.

With appointment one-way sync, any updates or deletions of a shared recurring appointments from Sales aren't synced to Outlook. This is the standard behaviour with one-way sync.

With appointment bidirectional sync, any updates of shared recurring appointments from Sales are synced to Outlook, and vice versa.

When a user shares a recurring appointment from Outlook, the entire series gets shared -- users can't share individual instances. A recurring appointment that starts in the past but ends in the future is still considered a future appointment.

The tables in this topic cover the behavior for deleting a shared recurring appointment in Outlook or Sales when appointment bidirectional sync is enabled.

Deletion of a Series of Recurring Appointments

This table presents the behavior when sync deletes a series of bidirectional, shared appointments in a recurring series:

Where Created Series Has Start Date in the Past and End Date in Past or Future Series Has Start Date in Future
Created in Outlook The series isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category is removed. The series isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category is removed.
Created in Sales The series isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category is removed. The series is deleted in Outlook.

Deletion of an Individual Occurrence in Series of Recurring Appointments

This table presents the behavior for an individual occurrence of a bidirectional, recurring appointment series:

Where Created The Deleted Individual Occurrence Is in the Past The Deleted Individual Occurrence Is in the Future
Created in Outlook The individual occurrence isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category still appears. The individual occurrence isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category still appears.
Created in Sales The individual occurrence isn't deleted in Outlook and the Shared with Oracle category still appears. The individual occurrence is deleted in Outlook. The series it is part of remains the same and shared with Oracle.
Note: If a recurring appointment contains a custom field, only the first instance of the appointment is synced with the Sales application. The custom field needs an object trigger or a field trigger. Use the object workflows to update the custom fields in the recurring appointment.