What's Digital Sales performance?

Sales managers can improve digital sales performance by creating contests and by setting team goals to promote and drive digital sales performance.

Digital Sales teams can use contest leader boards to help create a healthy competitive spirit among members of their sales organization. They can create goals to ensure the team focuses on key performance indicators. Salespeople can then track their individual progress and take actions to ensure they meet their targets. Sales managers can view, compare, and benchmark individual performances to help coach and motivate the sales activity of the team.

For example, in an effort to boost sales of a product recently released into the market, a sales manager creates a contest. The contest is for a defined period of time and is aimed at increasing the number of calls the sales team makes to potential customers. Participants, in competition mode, try to maximize the number of customer calls they make.

The sales team uses the Performance dashboard to monitor the contest time remaining, and their scores and targets, along with some statistical data. Let's say one of your sales representatives has 15 hours left in the contest and currently ranks third on the contest with five calls made. He can compare his score with the first-ranked participant (who has made eight calls so far) and try to better it in the remaining time. By monitoring the Performance dashboard, users can monitor the time remaining, their score and target, along with some statistical data.

You can activate and deactivate seeded key performance indicators (KPIs) or view, create, edit and delete custom KPIs to use in contests and goals. The Performance dashboard displays all performance-related cards for contest and goals where the user is a participant or is the owner. The management hierarchy of each participant can also see the contests and goals. Sales managers can view their team's goal card as well as their own individual goal card. Sales representatives can view their own goal cards from the Performance page.

For example, you can click one of the following four tabs (see callout 1):

  • All: Displays all active, scheduled, and ended contests and goals

  • Active: Displays only contests and goals that are currently active

  • Scheduled: Displays contests and goals that are scheduled but aren't active yet

  • Ended: Displays all contests and goals that have ended and are no longer active

All performance contest cards from the Performance page

As a sales manager, you can perform these tasks from the dashboard (see callout 2):

  • Create Contest

    Create a contest to help create a healthy competitive spirit among members of their sales organization and monitor a contest in progress.

  • Create Goal

    Create and manage goals to ensure the team focuses on key performance indicators and review and monitor the progress of each individual.

  • Manage KPI

    Manage your KPIs to support predefined and custom key performance indicator definitions and goals to generate contests among goal participants.

You can see at a glance the time remaining for the contest or goal as well as the overall progress status (callout 3). You can also view details of all goals, including team goals, and view a brief synopsis of how participants are performing against their targets. In a Team Goal card, the values are calculated as the sum of KPI values achieved by all team members including the manager and the following labels indicate the team's progress for the goal:

  • Ahead (callout 2)

  • Behind (callout 1)

  • Completed (callout 3)

  • On Track

  • Ended which means a goal period has ended without the goal target being completed.

Team Goal score card