What's the lead-to-opportunity attribute mapping?

The lead-to-opportunity attribute mapping is a predefined one-to-one mapping of the attributes between the lead and opportunity applications. When converting leads to opportunities, lead attributes, such as sales account, products, revenue amount, lead contacts, and other attributes, are mapped to the newly created opportunity.

You convert a lead to an opportunity when the lead is qualified and is ready for further processing along the sales cycle. The following sections outline:

  • General lead attributes mapped to opportunities

  • Partner lead-specific attributes mapped to opportunities

  • Lead contact attributes mapped to opportunity contact attributes

  • Lead product attributes mapped to opportunity revenue line attributes

  • Profile options that specify the mapping file name for user-defined mapping files

General Lead Attributes Mapped to Opportunities

This table lists the general lead attributes that are mapped to the corresponding opportunity attributes:

General Lead Attribute

Opportunity Attribute

Budget Amount

Budget Amount

Budget Status

Budget check box


Target Party





Estimated Close Date

Estimated Close Date

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

Lead Number

Lead Number


This attribute value is the Lead Name and the current date and time, which generates a unique opportunity name.



Indicates the user who starts the conversion.

Owner of opportunity

Primary Contact

Key Contact

Source Code

If a campaign or any other source creates a lead in which source code is used, then this attribute value is mapped.


Partner Lead Attributes Mapped to Opportunities

This table lists the partner lead attributes that are mapped to the corresponding opportunity attributes:

Partner Lead Attribute

Opportunity Attribute

Deal Approved By

For direct leads, this attribute is set to the user who starts the conversion.

Owner of opportunity

Deal Approved By Resource Organization

Resource Organization



Partner Type

Partner Type

Partner Program

Partner Program

Registration Type

Registration Type

Registration Number

Registration Number

Lead Contact Attributes Mapped to Opportunity Contact Attributes

To map lead contact attributes to opportunity contact attributes, the following relationships must apply between the contact and the customer:

  • The relationship end date is later than the current date.

  • The relationship start date is earlier than the current date.

  • The relationship status is active.

This table lists the lead contacts attributes that are mapped to the corresponding opportunity contacts attributes:

Lead Contact Attribute

Opportunity Contact Attribute



Contact Role

Contact Role



Lead Product Attributes Mapped to Opportunity Revenue Line Attributes

This table lists the lead product attributes that are mapped to the corresponding opportunity revenue line attributes:

Lead Product Attribute

Opportunity Revenue Line Attribute


Revenue Amount


Resource Party


Currency for the Revenue Amount

Inventory Item

Inventory Item


Inventory Organization

Product Group

Product Group



Unit of Measure

Unit of Measure

Unit Price

Unit Price

Profile Options for Mapping File Names

As an administrator, you can specify your own mapping file name to use for mapping objects and attributes during the lead-to-opportunity conversion process. For example, you can create user-defined lead attributes in Application Composer, Copy Maps, and can then add these attributes to the existing ready-to-use mapping files. You must save the user-defined mapping file using a unique file name and then specify the saved mapping file name in one of these profile options:

  • Use the Direct Lead to Opportunity Mapping profile option to specify the mapping file name created when a direct lead is converted to an opportunity.

  • Use the Partner Lead to Opportunity Mapping profile option to specify the mapping file name created when a partner lead is converted to an opportunity.