How do I delete child entities of inactive party records?

Use the Delete Child Entities of Inactive Party Records scheduled process to delete all associated child entities of inactive party records. Delete child objects and related entities when the parent record is in an inactive or merged status.

When you delete parent record like account, contact, household, hub person or hub organization from the UI pages, web services, or file import, all child entities like contact points, relationships, address, source system references and so on aren't deleted automatically. So, you can delete these records by running this scheduled process on a regular basis.

You can inactivate all related child entities for the already inactivated parent party record. This resolves data integrity concerns and prevent export of child records of inactive parent records using Export Management.

The source system references of the following child entities of the inactivated Sales Account or Sales Contact are also inactivated:

  • Additional Names

  • Additional Identifiers

  • Contact Points

  • Contact Preferences

  • AddressPurposes

  • Address

  • SourceSystemReference

  • Classification

  • Relationship

When to Use

This scheduled process is used to inactivate the child entities of a deleted Sales Party. Once the Sales Account or Contact is inactivated or merged, all the child entities of that party can be inactivated.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following role:

  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • You can run this scheduled process based upon your need. This is to inactivate the child entities of the deleted party. So it can be scheduled to run incrementally to inactivate the child entities of inactivated parties.

    • It can also be run ad-hoc based on the need basis.

  • Execution Time:

    • This scheduled process takes few minutes for completion for smaller set of data.

    • This scheduled process may take 15 to 30 minutes to process a batch of 100K inactivated parties.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is self-incompatible. If multiple instances are submitted, the first instance runs and subsequent instances remain in blocked status until the first instance is completed.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


From Date


Specify the starting date in the date range for searching inactive records.




To Date


Specify the ending date in the date range for searching inactive records.



To Date should be greater than From Date

Party ID


Specify the party identifier

Party identifier



Party Number


Specify the party number

Party number



Troubleshooting Information

  • Check the log or output file.

  • If the scheduled process didn't run successfully, you can re-submit the process after rectifying the error.

  • This scheduled process is idempotent, which means, this scheduled process can be restarted if it failed in the initial run. No cleanup is required.