How do I enable the verification of addresses, emails, and phone numbers?

This step is a prerequisite to verifying addresses, emails, and phone numbers. You can enable or disable address, phone, and email verification services in the Configure Verification Services page. The Address Verification service is enabled by default.

You can access Address, Email, and Phone Verification service only if you have already purchased Address Verification.

Note: Currently, email and phone validations aren't supported in Customer Data Management UI.
  1. You can configure the Verification Services in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Manager

    • Functional Area: Data Quality Verification Services

  2. Click the Quick Setup icon.

    The Configure Verification Services page appears.

  3. Select the verification services you want to enable.

  4. Specify if the validity status of email and phone must be displayed.

  5. (Optional) If you selected Yes in the previous step, specify the number of days since the last valid verification status was run that the verification status must be displayed. For example, if you set this value to 60, then 60 days after the last valid verification was run the verification status is displayed.

  6. Click Save and Close.