How can I send reminders to an activity owner until the activity is completed?

You can create and send email reminders to activity owners to complete tasks, appointments, and call reports by using the Routines feature.

The Routines feature, available in Application Composer, makes it easy to ensure timely completion and keep your team on track.

  • Flexible scheduling:

    Send reminders daily until tasks are done and set to the Complete status, or only when they're overdue.

  • Targeted notifications:

    Choose to focus on specific objects (like opportunities) or send reminders for all tasks, even those without a related object.

  • Extensible templates:

    Easily create reminders using the Past Due Tasks template as a starting point.

  • Direct links to open the activity:

    Reminders include convenient links for salespeople to directly access and complete their tasks.

    Important: Existing customers must enable both the Digital Sales Next Gen UI and Sales in the Redwood UX features in Setup and Maintenance to enable notification links to open records in the Redwood user experience. For details see the section Set the Notification Link to Open the Redwood UI.

Here's an example of how you'd set up a daily reminder to complete all tasks that aren't set to the status of Complete by the date the routine is run:

  1. Open Application Composer outside the sandbox. (Navigator Configuration Application Composer)
  2. Click the Routines icon.
  3. In the routines list page, click the Create Routine button.
  4. Click the Past Due Tasks template.
  5. In the Basic Details page enter a name and description for the routine. These aren't visible to the users you notify.
  6. The Object is Activity.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Trigger page, specify when this routine will be run. To send daily reminders, select Daily.
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Actions page, make modifications to the Send Email action provided in the template. Here are some sample values:
    Field Entry
    To Owner ID
    Subject Reminder: Complete task {{$Subject}}with the due of {{$DueDate}}.
    Body Please complete the task and update the status to complete or canceled.
  11. Click Next.
  12. On the Rules page, enter the rules. The template includes rules for tasks with a priority equal to 1, that are due in the previous 7 days, and that are associated with an object. (The template ignores stand-alone tasks).

    In this example, we're sending the email notifications to owners of all tasks that aren't set to the complete or canceled status by the due date. We're including due dates on or before the date the routine is run.

    1. Change the rules in the first group to the following:

      Field Entry
      Attribute Activity
      Operator Equals
      Value Task
      Field Entry
      Attribute Due Date
      Operator Until
      Value Run Date
      Operator <leave blank, or select plus or minus>
      Value <leave blank, or enter number of days>
      Field Entry
      Attribute Status
      Operator Not In
      Value Complete, Canceled
    2. You can delete the second group of rules from the template unless you want to restrict your notifications to tasks with objects or add other rules.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Review routine and click Submit.
  15. The routine is now active and appears in the list of routines.
  16. From the Actions menu (three dots), you can run the routine immediately. From this menu, you can also take other actions: you can pause, edit, and delete the routine, for example.

Set the Notification Link to Open the Redwood UI

Existing customers must enable both the Digital Sales Next Gen UI and Sales in the Redwood UX features in Setup and Maintenance to open records in the Redwood user experience. New customers can skip this step as the feature is enabled automatically.

  1. Open the Setup and Maintenance work area. (Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance).
  2. Make sure the Sales offering is selected.
  3. Click the Actions button and select Change Feature Selection.
  4. Make sure both Digital Sales Next Gen UI and the Sales in the Redwood UX features are enabled.
  5. Click Done.