How do I create a lead processing activity to run the lead assignment process?

Here's an example of how to create a lead processing activity to run the lead assignment process. It describes how to run the process to assign imported leads to the inside sales representatives for lead qualification. It also outlines how to assign qualified leads to field sales for conversion to opportunities.

Follow these steps to create a lead processing activity to run the lead assignment process:

  1. Search for and open the task Manage Lead Processing Activities from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    The Lead Processing Activities page appears. This page lists all of your processing activities.

  2. Click Create Lead Processing Activity.

    The Create Lead Processing Activity window appears.

  3. To assign the leads you previously imported to inside sales for qualification, enter the parameters listed in this table.

    UI Region



    Activity Details

    Process Type


    Lead Selection



    Lead Selection

    Assignment Status



    Schedule Mode


  4. Click Submit.

  5. Next, create and submit a second activity to assign the leads to field sales after the leads are qualified. Enter the parameters listed in this table.

    UI Region



    Activity Details

    Process Type


    Lead Selection




    Schedule Mode

    Run this activity on a repeating schedule to make sure the leads are transferred to field sales as soon as they're qualified by inside sales.

    To run the activity regularly, select Repeats, enter a frequency, a start date, and an end date far into the future. You must enter both a start date and an end date for the process to run.

  6. You can monitor the processes on the Manage Lead Processing Activities page. This page lists all of your processing activities.

Depending on your settings, your process runs immediately or at the intervals you specified. You can monitor its progress by searching for the job set process by name on the Overview page.

You can also set up the process to run regularly per your business requirements as follows:

  1. Click Advanced.

  2. Click the Schedule tab.

  3. Select the Using a schedule option.

  4. Select the frequency and start date.

  5. Enter an end date far in the future.

  6. Click Submit.