How do I enable account team members to edit accounts?

Only account team members with Full access can edit all account information. By default, only account owners have Full access. Members of the territories on the account have only view access. Using access groups, you can automatically grant the Full access to any set of users, including the team members added through territories, or you can grant access to specific individuals.

Create the Access Group to Enable Edit Access

In this example, you create an access group that enables users with the Sales Representative job role to edit all account information when they're members of the account territory. If your use case is different, then you can use other criteria to select users or add individuals and you can add multiple access permissions.

  1. As a user with the security manager role, such as a setup user, open the Sales and Service Access Management work area (Navigator > Tools > Sales and Service Access Management .
  2. On the Access Groups tab, click Create.
  3. In the Create Access Group page, enter a name and select Active.
  4. Click Save and Continue.
  5. Click the Object Rules tab.
  6. On the Object Rules tab, Object field, select Equals as the operator and Account as the object.
  7. Click Add Rule.
  8. Select the predefined rule. For example, to add access to territory team members on the account, click Account Territory Team.

    Tip: You can review a description of the access each rule provides by drilling into it.
  9. Click Done.
  10. Specify the Access Level. Select Full for edit access.
  11. Click the Member Rules tab.
  12. On the Member Rules tab, click Create Rule.
  13. Enter a rule name, for example: Sales Reps.
  14. In the Conditions section, click Add Rule (plus sign icon).
  15. Make these entries to provide access to all users with the Sales Representative job role:

    Field Entry
    Object Resources
    Attribute Roles (Roles)
    Operator Equals
    Value Sales Representative
  16. Click Actions > Save and Publish.
  17. When the Published Status shows Published, click Save and Close

Run Processes to Apply the Expanded Access

Run the Run Access Group Membership Rules and Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing processes to apply the expanded access to accounts so you can test it. These two processes are run automatically on a schedule, so you'll need to wait until they run if you don't run them.

  1. Open the Scheduled Processes work area. (Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes).
  2. Click Schedule New Process.
  3. In the Schedule New Process window, with the Job option selected, click Search: Name (the down arrow button).
  4. Click the Search link at the end of the list.
  5. Enter the name of the process: Run Access Group Membership Rules.
  6. Click Search.
  7. Select the process and click OK.
  8. In the Process Details window, Record Selection, select All Records or another value.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Now search for and run the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing process.

    In the Process Details window for this process, select Account as the Object and All Records as the Record Selection.