How do I enroll into a partner program?

If the channel organization offers partner programs, a partner can enroll into a partner program and receive the benefits associated with that program.

Note: By default, partner users can't access partner program enrollments. To provide access, assign the ZPM_VIEW_PARTNER_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENT_PRIV and ZPM_APPLY_PARTNER_PROGRAM_PRIV privileges.

The process of enrolling into a partner program involves the following:

  1. Select the partner program from a program catalog listed in the channel organization's application.
  2. Confirm basic information like the organization, language, and so on.
  3. Select a start date for the enrollment.
    Note: The start date can't be past or prior to the active dates of the partner program. If partners don't specify a start date, the approval date of their enrollment becomes the start date for the enrollment.
  4. Complete the questionnaire.
  5. Accept the agreements associated to the partner program.
  6. Review and submit the partner program enrollment request.