How can I make the deal approver the deal owner?

You can follow these steps to make the deal approver the deal owner:

  1. Navigate to Worklist as admin, Task Configuration > MklDealsApprovalTask, and then edit the task.
  2. Create a new rule, Rule 1, as shown below:The image illustrates how to create Rule 1.
  3. Select Advanced Mode check box.The image illustrates selecting Advanced Mode check box.
  4. Create the rule definition as shown in the image, a FOR loop to iterate the team members. Identify the owner and assign the resourceUsername to ApproverBuffer.
    Note: ApproverBuffer variable is used in Deal_Approval_Rule_2 out of the box.
    The image illustrates how to create the rule definition
  5. Inactivate the Deal_Approval_Rule_1 by deselecting the Active check box.The image illustrates how to inactivate the Deal_Approval_Rule_1.

Now, you can login and create a deal. Mark the appropriate user as owner and submit the deal for approval. When you navigate to the Approvals tab, you will see that the respective user is also the deal approver.