How many assignment subprocesses can be run for each Service server available in my environment?

The maximum number of subprocesses that can be run is based on the number of Service servers available in your environment. Each server can process a maximum of 16 subprocesses (threads).

For example, lets say that you Production environment shows 25 processes with record counts on each subprocess but your Development environment only shows 25 processes with record counts on 15 subprocesses. The other 10 subprocesses show a record count of 0. The totals and sum of the processes is correct for 15 subprocesses but 10 subprocesses show with 0 records. This is expected behavior based on the number of Service servers available in your environment. In our example, the Development environment has 1 server so when you submit a job with 25 processes, only a maximum of 16 subprocesses (threads) can start with no other process using any threads.

In the given scenario, 15 subprocesses started and 10 subproceses are waiting to get the threads. Those 15 subprocesses did all the processing of records and that's why you'll see the behaviour as outlined.