How can I protect supporting documents from deletion?

You can protect your supporting documents from being inadvertently deleted. Adding the new privilege, Delete Supporting Documents by Contract Status, to the required roles lets you restrict the deletion of supporting documents in all contract statuses other than Draft and Under Amendment.

To restrict the deletion of supporting documents in all contract statuses, revoke the existing privilege, Delete Supporting Documents, for specific roles.

This table describes how you can configure the privileges

Delete Supporting Documents Privilege Delete Supporting Documents by Contract Status Privilege Result
Yes Yes User can delete supporting documents in all contract statuses
Yes No User can delete supporting documents in all contract statuses
No No User can't delete supporting documents in any contract status
No Yes User can delete supporting documents only in Draft and Under Amendment contract status

The supplied privilege, Delete Supporting Documents by Contract Status Privilege, isn't assigned to any role by default. Add the privilege to the necessary roles and revoke the existing privilege, Delete Supporting Documents.

For information about how to add and remove privileges to user roles, see the Edit Job or Abstract Roles topic.