Why can't I find inactive records for purging them?

You can purge inactive data or records that you no longer need using this scheduled process. This scheduled process reads the configuration information such as age of inactive record and filter criteria. It then purges parent and child records that meet the filter criteria.

When to Use

You can use this scheduled process to purge sales contact, sales household, or sales account information that meet the specified filter criteria.

Note that only inactive records that are available in the sales context can be purged. For example, an inactive Partner record can't be purged because Partner isn’t related to Sales. Only inactive and related merged sales accounts, sales contacts, and sales households which have no dual usage, or any additional usage (more than one usage) can be purged. Examples of inactive contacts, accounts, or households with dual usage are:
  • contact which is also a supplier contact
  • sales account which also has billing account usage
The following sales contact record types are supported:
The following sales account record types are supported:

Also, along with the purge of the inactive accounts, households, or contacts, references of these purged records, such as identifier or name, are also removed in other applications like opportunities, leads, campaigns, territories, assets, deals, quotes, activities (tasks and appointments), notes, forecasts, business plans, and contracts. For these flows, purged accounts and contacts don't appear on application pages, web service responses, and BI reports.

Merged records can be purged only when the master (survivor) party becomes inactive.

Purge account, contact, and household records in the following situations:
  • Purge Inactive Sales Accounts and contacts to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
  • Cleanup data because incorrect data was created that's no longer needed.
  • In some rare cases, cleanup of data maybe required to improve performance of the application.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges or role:

  • Privilege


  • Role

    • Sales Administrator

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • You can run this scheduled process on need basis or schedule it for appropriate frequency, such as daily once.

  • Execution Time

    • The execution time for a single data record is 1 to 2 minutes.

    • The execution time for a batch job or certain volume of data say 10k is around 1 hours 30 minutes to 2hours.

  • Compatibility

    • This scheduled process is incompatible with itself and any other scheduled process.

    • There are no processes that must be run after running this process.



Optional or Mandatory

Parameter Values


Special Combinations Required




Sales Contact

Sales Account

Purges inactive records that meet the filter criteria. For more information about specifying the filter criteria, see the Related Topics section.



Execution Mode


Regular mode for party purge

Exception mode for party purge clean up

Sales accounts and sales contacts may be referred in other applications. Examples of such references are identifier or name in applications like opportunities, leads, campaigns, territories, and so on.

In Regular mode for party purge, the references of inactive party records based on the currently specified filter criteria are removed.

In Exception mode for party purge clean up, the references of any party which no longer exists in addition to the references identified in the regular mode are removed.

We recommend that you use the Exception mode with caution. Use this mode only when references exists of inactive records in other applications like opportunities, leads, campaigns, territories, assets, deals, quotes, activities (tasks and appointments), notes, forecasts, business plans, and contracts and the corresponding Party Record is purged.



Troubleshooting Information

You are notified about the scheduled process completion when scheduled process is successful.