How do I run the Request Revenue Territory Assignment scheduled process?

Use the Request Revenue Territory Assignment scheduled process for territory-based opportunity assignment. This scheduled process evaluates opportunity revenue lines and matches eligible territories and their salespeople to the revenue lines.

When to Use

This scheduled process:

  • Runs territory-based assignment on opportunity product lines. During this process, the application evaluates every product line in the opportunity batch. Territories whose dimensions match the dimensional attributes of a given product line are then assigned to that line.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following roles or privileges:

  • Roles:

    • Sales Administrator

    • Setup User

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency

    • See the table containing the view criteria information in the Parameters section.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is incompatible with itself. These scheduled processes should not be requested to run in parallel against the same opportunity batch, to avoid potential locking issues.

    • High volume opportunities and revenue lines impact the performance.

    • We recommend that you don't run multiple instances of this scheduled process in parallel.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


View Criteria Name


Specify a view criteria name from the View Criteria table.

See the View Criteria table.


Not applicable

View Criteria Bind Values


Specify the view criteria bind values of the associated view criteria name from the View Criteria table.

See the View Criteria table.


Not applicable

Number of Work Objects per Sub Process


Specify the number of work objects per sub process.

Recommend that you use the default values.


Not applicable

Maximum Sub Processes per Process


Specify the maximum number of sub processes per process.

Recommend that you use the default values.


Not applicable

Metrics Logging Interval


Specify the metrics for logging interval.

Recommend that you use the default values.


Not applicable

Refresh Forecast Automatically


Specify of the forecast must be refreshed automatically.

Recommend that you use the default values.


Not applicable

Diagnostic Mode


Used only for troubleshooting purposes.

Not applicable


Not applicable

If the view criteria is relevant for your business, use the information in the Recommended Run Frequency column. Typically, most implementations don't use all of the view criteria.

View Criteria Name

View Criteria Description

View Criteria Bind Values

Recommended Run Frequency

OpenOpportunities ByCreationDate

Revenue lines of open opportunities created in the last 90 days.

Note that the view criteria bind values aren't required for the default date range, 90 days. You can pass a different date range by entering View Criteria Bind Values.

  • BindOptyCreationDateTo= [date],BindOptyCreation DateFrom=[sysdate-90]

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateTo= 2015-02-29, BindOptyCreationDateFrom =2015-01-01

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateFrom=2015-01-01. This second example processes all open opportunities created between January 1, 2015, and the current date.


OpenOpportunities ByEffectiveDate

Revenue lines of open opportunities that have an expected close date in the last 90 days. Optionally, you can enter a different date range.

  • BindEffectiveDateFrom =[sysdate], BindEffectiveDateTo =[sysdate [90]

  • For example: BindEffectiveDateFrom =2015-01-01, BindEffectiveDateTo =2015-02-29


SalesAccountUpdated InLastNDays

Revenue lines of all open opportunities whose sales account was updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, you can enter a different number of days.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdated Since=[30]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated in last 15 days: BindSalesAccount UpdatedSince=15



Revenue lines of all open opportunities whose sales account was updated in the last number of hours. Optionally, you can enter a different number of hours.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdatedSince=[4]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated within last 6 hours: BindSalesAccount UpdatedSince=6

Multiple times per day


Revenue lines of all open opportunities updated within the last four hours. Optionally, you can enter a different number of hours.

  • BindOptyUpdatedWithinHours=[4]

  • For example, open opportunities updated within the last 6 hours: BindOptyUpdatedWithin=6

Multiple times per day

OpenOpportunitiesUpdated InLastNDays

Revenue lines of all open opportunities updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, you can enter a different number of days.

  • BindOptyUpdatedSince =[30]

  • For example, open opportunities updated in last 15 days: BindOptyUpdated Since=15



Revenue lines of all open opportunities that contain a specific value in the Batch Tag field.

  • BindBatchTag =[text]

  • For example, open opportunities that have EMEA in the Batch Tag field: BindBatchTag =EMEA

Run on need basis as per business requirements


Revenue lines of all opportunities imported through the given bulk import batch ID. The view criteria bind value, BatchId, is mandatory.

  • BindBatchId

  • For example: BindBatchId=5618782

Run on need basis as per business requirements

ClosedOpportunitiesBy CreationDate

Revenue lines of closed opportunities created in the last 90 days. Optionally, you can enter a different date range.

  • BindOptyCreationDateTo =[date], BindOptyCreation DateFrom =[date]

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateTo =2015-02-29, BindOptyCreationDateFrom =2015-01-01


ClosedOpportunitiesBy EffectiveDate

Revenue lines of opportunities closed in the last 90 days. Optionally, you can enter a different date range.

  • BindEffectiveDateFrom =[date], BindEffectiveDateTo =[date]

  • For example: BindEffectiveDateFrom =2015-01-01, BindEffectiveDateT o=2015-02-29



Revenue lines of an opportunity with a specific number.

  • BindOptyNumber=<number>

  • BindOptyNumber=17001

Run on need basis as per business requirements. Usually run while troubleshooting in diagnostic mode.

Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process:

  • Warning or errors are displayed and details are captured in the scheduled process.

  • Use the Diagnostic mode for detailed analysis.

  • Use the Batch Assignment Progress Report or the Batch Assignment Error Report to view the details. For more information about these reports, see the Related Topics section.