How do I verify email addresses and phone numbers?

You can verify email addresses and phone numbers in your application using the Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification service.

When your sales organization subscribes to the Oracle Address, Email, and Phone Verification service, you know right away if you entered an invalid phone number or email address.

The application can't check if the phone numbers and emails you enter are valid for the specific person or account, of course, but it does assure that a phone number will actually dial and that an email won't bounce.

When a phone number or an email address is invalid for some reason, you get notified right under your entry. If nothing appears, the information is valid and you're good to go. Here's a screenshot of an invalid phone number to give you an idea of what you see under invalid information:

Callout Number

What You See


Status. For phone numbers, this can be only Invalid. Email addresses can also display the status of Partially-Valid: the domain is valid but the name isn't. If the person left the company, or changed their name, you'll see the Partially-Valid status for the email, for example.


Date the email address or phone number was verified by the application.


Reverify button that you can use to verify again. You never know when area codes or email addresses may change. What's valid today may not be in six months.


Overwrite button to manually set the status. The application, isn't perfect. If you know the number or email is correct, you can set the status to Verified. When you do, you see Overwritten on instead of Verified on.

Screenshot of an invalid phone number showing status details.

Although the application doesn't display a Valid status for valid entries right away, you do eventually see it together with the date the information was verified. (How much later is under the control of the application administrator). Why display the status at all? When the information is old, you or your colleagues may want to verify it again by clicking Reverify.