How can I act on multiple records at the same time?

You can take actions on multiple records at the same time on any of the list pages of your Sales application. What actions you can take depends on the records you select and the permissions you have. For example, select a group of sales leads from the list, and you may be able to qualify them, convert them, or delete them all. If some of the leads you selected are already converted, however, the convert action won't be available. If you don't have delete permission, you won't be able to mass delete the leads. You can make mass updates in the list pages in different interfaces, including the Redwood user experience (Redwood Sales and Next Gen Sales), the Classic user experience, and in Workspace.

In the Classic User Experience, you select the records, right-click and select the action you want to take from the menu. In the Redwood user experience, you select the records and click either the Update or the Actions button.
Important: By default, the Redwood user experience list pages have only a limited number of mass actions available. For example, only the Qualify mass action is available for leads. The sales administrator must enable the others in the Smart Actions work area of Application Composer. The smart action must include the following values:
  • Mass Action: On
  • Application: Sales
  • UI Availability: List page