What do I do to fix bell notification links so they open Oracle Sales in the Redwood user experience pages?

To open Oracle Sales in the Redwood User Experience pages, instead of the classic pages, from notifications, users must have the following privileges: ZBS_NOTIFICATION_DRILLDOWN_VBCS_PRIV and SVC_MANAGE_OMNICHANNEL_PRESENCE_AND_AVAILABILITY_PRIV.

These privileges are included in the sales job roles provided by Oracle. If these privileges are missing from your custom job roles, then add them. After adding the missing privileges, run these processes in the specified order. Ensure that each process completes before launching another.

Run Order Process Name Description
1 Send Pending LDAP Requests Manages requests to create or update users, roles and role grants in LDAP.
2 Send Personal Data for Multiple Users to LDAP Syncs personal information with LDAP. You can sync all users or only those users whose information has been changed
3 Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes Syncs users, roles, and role grants with definitions in LDAP.
4 Synchronize User GUID Resolves invalid and missing user global unique identifiers by synchronizing them.
5 Import User and Role Application Security Data Imports user and role data from LDAP to security application tables.