What do I do when the Synchronize CRM Search Indexes process is stuck or ends with an error?

To run the process, you must have the Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator job role or a custom job role with the privilege 'Run Search Index Scheduler' ( ZCA_RUN_SEARCH_INDEX_SCHEDULER_PRIV).

This solution applies to the following error:

ESS-02001 User <user name> does not have execute permission on metadata object oracle.apps.ess.crmCommon.JobDefinition.SynchSearchContextIndexJob.

Here's how to fix the issue:

  1. Assign the user the role Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator or add the privilege Run Search Index Scheduler ( ZCA_RUN_SEARCH_INDEX_SCHEDULER_PRIV) to an existing job role.
  2. Run scheduled process: Send Pending LDAP Requests

  3. Run scheduled process: Import User and Role Application Security Data

  4. Resubmit the process: Synchronize CRM Search Indexes