What factors are used for calculating account engagement levels from Sales Insights?

Salespeople can view an objective understanding of the engagement level of accounts based on detailed analysis of account interaction and historical exchanges. Interactions include phone calls, web conferences, or wrap up calls you had with your customers or prospects and this data is used by Sales Insights to measure and rate the overall level of engagement of your accounts.

Each account is assigned an account engagement level score and its calculation is based on the frequency and count of Account related Activities, Interactions, Leads, Opportunities, and Service Requests for a given Account. The higher the score, the more engaged the account is. With Sales Insights, you can view at a glance, which accounts have high, moderate and low engagement levels.

You can access sales insights from the Profile tab on the Accounts page. You can easily identify those accounts that are either highly or moderately engaged and this helps to:
  • Prioritize the next set of actions for records and tasks

  • Improve productivity with moving the sales pipeline along

  • Identify quickly what's wrong with a lead or opportunity and take the necessary corrective action

Engagement level are based on factors such as the number of active leads, the number of deals, the frequency of interactions and activities with the account and so on.

Here's a table that outlines some factors that influence the 3 account engagement levels with some sample scenarios:
Level Criteria Scenario


Accounts that have a high number of records and activities recently updated or newly created.

If you've many accounts to manage, then you can use this information to prioritize your sales efforts. For example, you might decide to focus on accounts with a high number of open activities or touches, as these accounts are more likely to be ready to move forward in the sales process.


The number of accounts that have several records and activities recently updated or newly created is between the Highly and Lonely totals of engagement levels.

If you note that an account has a moderate number of interactions, you might infer that the account is in the early stages of the buying process and that you should focus on building relationships with the contacts.

Or you might identify potential opportunities for these accounts. By seeing the number of interactions and activities that have taken place with different contacts within an account, you get a better sense of which opportunities are most likely to close.


Accounts that have no records and activities recently updated or newly created since X days/weeks. For example, {activity/interaction/lead/opty/SR since X days/weeks} where X denotes a quarter of the adverage sales cycle time. You can identify which accounts need more attention. If you see that an account has a low number of open activities, touches, or emails sent, then this insight level might alert you to increase your engagement with the account.