Why do I see the partner user account status as Requested even after I have enabled the user account?

While trying to log in as a partner user, you see the account request status as Requested because certain privileges or roles can be missing.

Here's how you can review and add the missing roles or privileges:

  1. Login as the administrator.
  2. Click Navigator > Tools > Sales and Service Access Management.
  3. Click the Explore Access tab.
  4. Enter these details:

    User Name: The user name of the partner user account.

    Object: Partner

    Public Unique Identifier: The public unique identifier of the record you want the partner user to view.

You can review the access to roles and privileges granted to the user by clicking Explore.

Run the following processes:

  • Send Pending LDAP Requests
  • Retrieve Latest LDAP Requests
  • Import User and Role Application Security Data

The partner user account login issue should be fixed now.