Set Up Users for Templates and Workbench

A user with the Sales Administrator job role sets up the product templates in Application Composer. Template setup is a one-time step that lets the Sales Product Manager use the Products Workbench.

As supplied, both the Sales Product Manager and Sales Administrator roles have the required permissions to use the Product Workbench.

The specific permissions for the Product Workbench are:
  • View Products
  • Launch Products
  • Retire Products

User Setups in Oracle Product Information Management

You must ensure that the Sales Administrator user and any sales product managers can do these actions in Oracle Product Information Management (PIM):
  • Create predefined templates
  • Copy predefined templates
  • Add predefined templates

To manage item templates in Setup and Maintenance, go to: Manage Item Classes > Root Item Class > Templates and Formats > Item Templates.

Further, the Sales Administrator or the Sales Product Manager must have privileges to do these actions in PIM:
  • View Item Structure
  • Manage Item Structure

To manage Sales Administrator security in PIM, go to Setup and Maintenance: Manage Item Classes > Root Item Class > Security > Principal (Group) > Sales Administrator Actions.

Set Up Product Manager Preferences for Search

In the Sales Products list page, use the Manage Columns action to configure the Sales Product Manager's saved search.

Set Up Product Attributes and Adaptive Search

Configure Adaptive Search for the Product object to make these fields available in Adaptive Search (Workspace).
  • Name
  • Product Number
  • Sales Product Type Code
  • Structure Item Type
  • Launch Status
Use the Configure Adaptive Search task in Setup and Maintenance to enable search on additional product attributes and to configure the following "group by" views for Sales Product Manager's product list.
  • Sales Product Type Code
  • Structure Item Type
  • Launch Status