About Recent Items

Whenever you view records or make changes to records, that event gets added to your recent items list. Recent items help you when you search or enter information, because they automatically populate items you've recently viewed or accessed.

Recent items are available in:

  • Find search boxes on landing pages

  • Favorites and Recent Items list (accessible from the global header)

  • In search boxes in application page, such as when adding an opportunity to an account

Scenarios for When Recent Item Relationships Occur

These simple scenarios illustrate when the application establishes a recent items relationship:

  • You create a record, such as a lead, an opportunity, or an activity like a task or appointment.

  • You drill into the edit page of a record that's not among the recent items, for example, you open a task.

  • You sign out of the application.

This scenario is a little more complex and illustrates how recent items can appear in other objects:

  • An appointment has Opportunity 1 associated with it.

  • You edit Opportunity 2 and save the opportunity.

  • You go into the same appointment and remove Opportunity 1, and then click on the drop-down list for opportunities, to associate a different opportunity with the appointment.

  • In the appointment's drop-down list for opportunities, the application shows the last opportunity (Opportunity 2) first in the list.

Your administrator can configure how long to keep recent items in the database. The default is 30 days.