Account Team Member Access Levels

Access levels control the team member's privileges for the account.

There are three types of account team membership access levels:

  • View Only

  • Edit

  • Full

When you add a resource to the account team, the setting of the profile option, Internal Resource Sales Team Access Level Default, determines the member's default access level. See Opportunity Team Profile Options for more information.

If you remove a member of the account team, then that member no longer has access to the account. Only a member of a territory who's assigned to an account retains access. Resources in the management hierarchy of a newly added team member inherit the same access level of the subordinates.

View Only

View Only is the minimum level you can assign to team members. Team members with View Only access can view details of the account, such as: account team, assessments, notes, and activities. The team member's resource role doesn't provide functional access to view a particular child attribute of an account. Without functional access a member can't view the attribute, regardless of their account team access level. The data security inherent on objects, such as leads and opportunities, determines whether team members can view details of that business object.


Team members with the Edit access can view and edit all customer-related objects. The data security inherent on objects, such as leads and opportunities, determines whether team members can view details of that business object. They can also run the territory reassignment process, but they can't change the composition of the account team.


With Full access, team members can perform edit access functions and also change the composition of the account team. Initially, only the account owner and sales administrators have Full access, but they can grant Full access to other team members. Team members with Full access can do the following for other members:

  • Manually add and remove other team members

  • Change a member's access level

  • Mark the lock assignment setting

Note: Team members must have Full Access to edit Account Profile and Household Profile pages.