Create and Upload a Microsite .Zip File

After you have created your files and file structure for the microsite, you then must create a .zip file containing the folders and files in the correct structure.

Here are the high-level steps to create and upload microsite .zip files to the content library. For more details about how to structure the folders for the .zip file, see the topic, Use Microsites in the Lightbox Content Library.

  1. Create and store the .html and supporting files in a location on your computer. When creating the folder structure, you can use the examples in the topic, Using Microsites in the Lightbox Content Library.

  2. Use a file compression application to add the files to a .zip file.

  3. Sign in to the applications and navigate to Sales > Lightbox.

    The Lightbox page appears, showing content that's available to you.

  4. In the My Content view, click Upload.

    The Upload Content dialog window appears.

  5. Browse for the .zip file on your computer.

  6. Click Open.

  7. Click Upload in the Upload Content dialog window.

    A confirmation message lets you know of a successful upload.