Modify Your Territories

This example describes each tab in the Territories work area and the typical tasks you perform as a sales manager. You're in the Less Details work area where your changes become active right away and you don't use territory proposals.

Let's explore the following tabs in the work area:

  • Summary tab

  • Dimensions tab

  • Team Members tab

  • Child Territories tab

View the Summary and Dimension Tabs

  1. Click Navigator > Territories.

  2. If Click to Edit is enabled, you can click a row to highlight it and some or all fields become active for editing, depending on your access to the selected territory. You can save changes you make in the list and they become active, or discard them.

  3. In the list of your team's territories, click the Central - Products - Div I territory name.

    The Summary tab displays commonly used territory attributes. You can use Application Composer to add other attributes to this tab.
  4. Click the Actions menu.

    From this menu you can delete this territory including all of its children. You can also delete this territory coverage including dimensions and values, or add coverage if it has none.
  5. Click the Dimensions tab.

    The Dimensions tab displays the defined boundaries of the territory. Objects that matches these attributes will be assigned to this territory.
  6. Click Edit.

    You can make changes to or remove the Address coverage.
  7. In the Edit menu, click Edit Dimensions and Coverage.

    The coverage dimensions include a set of attributes and their corresponding values. You can add or change the values.
  8. Select the Industry dimension.

  9. To add an industry to the coverage, select it in the Available region and use the arrow to move it to the Selected region.

  10. Select the Geography dimension.

    Geography is available only if you aren't using the Address dimension.
  11. Click Add Members in Bulk to enter values for the dimension, separated by commas..

  12. Enter values separated by commas, or a range of values. Enter a range of postal codes, 85001-85030.

    You can use a range of values only for the Geography or Address dimensions.
  13. Choose to add the values you select to the existing values for geography and click OK.

  14. Click Cancel until you return to the Edit Coverage Dimensions page.

  15. Click the list arrow next to the Edit button and note the Remove All selection will remove all coverage for this territory.

    You can add individual customers to this territory in the Inclusions tab. If the Exclusions tab is enabled, you can select customers to be excluded from the territory, even if the customers match the dimensions for the territory.

View the Team Members Tab

  1. Click the Team Members tab.

    This tab displays the territory team members. You can add or remove team members and change the territory owner.
  2. The Owner column contains a check mark to indicate Peter Branch is the owner of this territory. Click his name.

    The Resource Details dialog shows information about Peter Branch. You can send an e-mail to Peter by clicking the e-mail address on this dialog or in the Team Members page.
  3. In the Function field for Peter, change his function to Salesperson. This is the function Peter has in this territory team.

View the Territory Hierarchy

  1. Click the Summary tab.

  2. Click the name of the parent territory to open the Edit Territory page for the parent.

  3. Click the Child Territories tab to see all child territories of the open territory.

  4. Click the Central - Products - Div I territory.

  5. Click the Child Territories tab.

  6. Click Create Territory.

    Notice that the parent territory is Central - Products - Div I.
  7. Click Cancel.

    When you click Save, or Save and Close, your changes immediately become the active definition for this territory.