Overview of Deleting Content

In the Sales Lightbox content library, you can delete content that you own. When you delete content, it's no longer available to you or to others.

For a procedure detailing how to delete content, see the topic, Delete Content

If, before deleting a content item, you shared the content item with other users who are currently working with the content you deleted, one of the following scenarios might occur:

  • If you're browsing through content library that includes deleted content, the deleted content isn't available when the page is refreshed.

  • If you're browsing through content that has been deleted since you started browsing, when you scroll to the next set of content, a warning message indicates that the content has been deleted. You're then returned to the view prior to opening the content, for example, the Shared Content view.

  • If you're browsing through a content that has been deleted since you started browsing, and if you click Show Content Properties or another menu option, then a warning message indicates that the content has been deleted. You're then returned to the view that was active prior to opening the file, for example, the Shared Content view.

  • In the case of slide decks, if you have already added slides from a deleted content to the cart, the thumbnail images of the slides remain visible and available for you to view and to download from the cart until they're manually removed from the cart, or until the cart is cleared. However, the slide properties are unavailable for the deleted slides.

  • If you try to directly download a deleted content from the Actions menu or from one of the views, a warning message indicates that the content has been deleted and the content isn't downloaded.

  • If a deleted content item is displayed in search results and you attempt to select or open that content, then a warning message indicates that the content has been deleted. You can't interact further with the search result item.

Note: If you're a sales administrator or a setup user, you can delete any content from the All Content view. This view is available only to sales administrators and setup users.