Quick Way to Get Key Sales Information and Take Action

The Sales Infolet page displays key sales information in containers called infolets. Some infolets provide you with an overview, but others make it possible for you to take direct action.

These actionable infolets summarize key sales data and let you take immediate action on the tasks presented. The actionable infolets contain key metrics modified for sales roles in your organization. To get to the Sales Infolets page, you click the page controls (dots at the center of the welcome page). You can take action in the infolet by making a selection from a menu without having to drill down into a record.

Take advantage of the following sales-oriented infolets:

  • My Tasks

    Quickly view and work on your most urgent tasks with minimum additional navigation.

  • My Appointments

    Directly review, add, update, and add notes to your appointments. You can also access your calendar to create appointments.

  • My Accounts

    View and manage account information from a single place. You can drill down to edit an account record as well as create accounts, filter your accounts and perform other quick actions.

  • My Opportunities

    View, update, and add a note for your individual opportunities. You can drill down to edit an opportunity record as well as create opportunities, tasks, and appointments.

  • My Leads

    View newly assigned leads, accept or reject individual lead records without having to drill down to the leads landing page. You can also create a lead and drill down to edit individual leads.

Use filters to find the records that need your attention. For example, you can filter your leads to see unaccepted leads only. Then use quick actions to accept a lead without leaving the infolet.

You can personalize your actionable infolets, refresh data, create and edit data as required. If you have the required privileges, built in configuration features help you effectively plan your day thus saving valuable time. For example, you can choose to select or hide predefined filters that you want to make available on the actionable infolets.

Infolet Filters and Actions

With a few clicks, navigate to the relevant areas in your sales process where you can use filters to view the records that you want and take immediate actions. For example, with just a single click of a button, you can complete or defer tasks without having to drill down to view the record, or you can accept or reject new leads without having to navigate to the Leads UI.

Use the Configure menu item to add or modify filters and actions. You can also refresh your record data, edit the title of your infolet, move, hide, or show specific infolets on your infolet page.

Here are the predefined filters and actions available to you from your actionable infolets:

Actionable Infolet

Select one of these filters...

Select one of these record quick actions...

Select one of these infolet actions...

My Tasks

  • Today's Task (default)

  • Overdue Tasks

  • Tomorrow's Task

  • Beyond Tomorrow's Tasks

  • Mark as Complete

  • Defer by 1 Day

  • Defer by 2 Days

  • Defer by 1 Week

  • Create Note

  • Refresh

  • Create Task

  • Configure

  • Edit Title and Views

  • Hide

My Appointments

  • Today's Appointments (default)

  • Tomorrow's Appointment

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

  • Refresh

  • My Calendar

  • Configure

  • Edit Title and Views

  • Hide

My Accounts

  • My Accounts (default)

  • My Favorite Accounts

  • My Team Accounts

  • Create Lead

  • Create Opportunity

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

  • Log a Call

  • Create Service Request

  • Refresh

  • Create Account

  • Configure

  • Edit Title and Views

  • Hide

My Opportunities

  • Closing in Next 7 Days (default)

  • Closing This Month

  • Closing This Quarter

  • Closing Next Quarter

  • Open opportunities where I am on the team

  • My Open Opportunities

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Create Note

  • Refresh

  • Create Opportunity

  • Configure

  • Edit Title and Views

  • Hide

My Leads

  • Unaccepted Leads (default)

  • My Open Leads

  • Recent Open Leads

  • Open Leads where I am on the team

  • Accept

  • Reject

  • Refresh

  • Create Lead

  • Configure

  • Edit Title and Views

  • Hide