Search for Content

You can search for content by file name, owner, or keyword, in the sales Lightbox content library. The search finds content that you own or that's shared with you by other users.

For more information about the Lightbox search actions and tips, see Overview of Searching for Content.

Here's how to search for content containing a specific word or text.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Lightbox.

    The Lightbox page appears, showing content available to you.

  2. In My Content or Shared Content views, click the magnifying glass icon.

  3. Enter the text that you want to find in the search field, and press Enter or click the search icon.

  4. Use the Actions menu to download the content or add it to your cart (if applicable). To open the content (if allowed), click the content name.

See the topic, Available Lightbox Actions for Different Content Types, for more information about the allowed actions.

Search results remain available until you perform a new search in your current session.