Take Actions on Search Results

You can create records and take actions on one or more items on the page.

  • Create records in Workspace and work areas powered by Adaptive Search by clicking Create.

  • Drill down and edit the records on the page.

  • Drill directly down into a record, such as an opportunity or account using a deep link. Since deep links are also exposed in other applications, such as Business Intelligence, you get quick access to open and view such records.

  • Take different actions on the records without drilling down on them, by clicking Actions (represented by the three dot icon in the Actions column).

    The available actions vary by business object. For example, for accounts you can create an appointment, create an opportunity, create a note, create a task, and log a call.

    Note: Not all objects allow for the creation of records or actions in Workspace. For example, Territories can only be created in the context of a parent territory so it isn't possible to create a territory from within the Workspace UI. You must first edit a territory and then create a child territory.
Note: Any changes or actions you take are processed as part of near real time and are reflected in a couple of seconds. If an action is performed on a set of records, you may have a longer time lag before you see the updated records in Workspace or in your work areas powered by Adaptive Search.

List of Predefined Actions and Saved Searches

Most of the objects come with predefined actions. For example, you can easily complete or defer tasks without having to drill down to view the record, or you can accept or reject new leads at the click of a button.

You can select contacts or leads from your Workspace saved searches and add them as campaign members to Oracle Eloqua marketing campaigns through the Add to Campaign action. After the added contacts and leads are synchronized to Oracle Eloqua, they get added to the specified Oracle Eloqua marketing campaigns.

Here are the predefined actions that you can take for each of the objects

Business Object

Predefined Saved Search


Multi-record Actions


  • All Accounts

  • My Accounts

  • My Favorite Accounts

  • My List for Accounts

  • My Teams Account

    Specific for Sales Manager and Sales VP roles.

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Service Request

  • Create Opportunity

  • Create Note

  • Create Task

  • Delete Account

  • Log a Call

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge


  • My Appointments

  • My Call Reports

  • My Calls to Log

  • My Open Tasks

  • My Overdue Tasks

  • My Team's Task

    Specific for Sales Manager, Sales VP, and Partner Sales Manager roles.

  • Mark Complete

  • Delete Appointment

  • Create Follow-Up Task

  • Decline Call Report Creation

  • Create Follow-Up Appointment

  • Delete Task

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

  • Update

  • Delete Appointment

  • Decline Call Report Creation

  • Delete Task

  • Mark Complete

  • Create Follow-Up Task

  • Create Follow-Up Appointment

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

  • Update


  • All Active Assets

  • My Customers' Active Assets

  • My Customers' Potential Renewal Assets

    Specific for Sales, Channel, and Partner roles.

  • Log a Call

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Update



  • Active Campaigns

  • All Campaigns

  • Planned Campaigns

  • Add Contacts

  • Add Leads

  • Update



  • All Contacts

  • My Business Contacts

  • My Contacts

  • My Favorite Contacts

  • My List for Contacts

  • Create Note

  • Create Task

  • Add to Campaign

  • Create Opportunity

  • Log a Call

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Service Request

  • Delete Contact

  • Update

  • Update

  • Merge

Deal Registration

  • All Deal Registrations

  • All Deal Registrations Expiring Soon

  • All Deal Registrations Where I am on the Team

  • All Pending Deal Registrations

  • All Returned Deal Registrations

  • Deal Registrations Owned By Me

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Note

  • Create Task

  • Log a Call

  • Update



  • My Favorite Leads

  • My Open Leads

  • My List for Leads

  • Open Leads Where I am on the Team

  • My Team's Open Leads

    Specific for Sales Manager and Sales VP roles.

  • Accept

  • Assign Partner

  • Create Call Report

  • Create Note

  • Add to Campaign

  • Delete

  • Reject

  • Score

  • Create Task

  • Retire

  • Qualify

  • Create Appointment

  • Convert

  • Rank

  • Run Assignment

  • Log a Call

  • Update

  • Accept

  • Delete

  • Qualify

  • Unqualify

  • Rank

  • Run Assignment

  • Score

  • Update


  • My Favorite Opportunities

  • My Open Opportunities

  • My List for Opportunities

  • Open Opportunities Where I am on the Team

  • My Team's Opportunities

    Specific for Sales Manager, Sales VP, and Partner Sales Manager roles.

  • Log a Call

  • Create Appointment

  • Save and Run Assignment

  • Create Task

  • Create Note

  • Copy Opportunity

  • Delete

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Update


  • All Partners

    Specific for Channel Account Manager, Channel Operations Manager, Channel Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator roles.

  • My Partners

    Specific for Channel Account Manager, Channel Operations Manager, and Channel Sales Manager roles.

  • My List for Partners

    Specific for Channel Account Manager, Channel Operations Manager, and Channel Sales Manager roles.

  • My Team's Partners

    Specific for Channel Operations Manager, and Channel Sales Manager roles.

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Note

  • Create Task

  • Log a Call

  • Update


Partner Contact

  • All Partner Contacts

    Specific for Channel Account Manager, Channel Operations Manager, Channel Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator roles.

  • My Partner Contacts

    Specific for Channel Account Manager, Channel Operations Manager, and Channel Sales Manager roles.

Create Contact


Quotes and Orders

  • All Active Quotes

  • All Expired Quotes

  • My Active Quotes

  • My Expired Quotes

  • Log a Call

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Create Note


Quote and Order Line

  • All Active Quote Lines

  • All Quote Lines

  • My Active Quote Lines



Revenue Lines

  • All Open Revenue Lines

  • My Open Revenue Lines

  • Revenue Lines on Open Opportunities I Own



Service Requests

  • All Open Service Requests

  • My Open Service Requests

  • Open Service Requests Created by Me

  • Open Service Requests Not Assigned to a Queue

  • Open Service Requests Where I Am on the Team

  • Unassigned Open Service Requests in My Queue

  • Delete

  • Update



All Territories

