View Competitor Information Outside Opportunities

Sales administrators can store a many details about sales competitor companies. As a salesperson, you can associate competitors with opportunities to get insight into which competitors may have won a deal against your company.

You can also use competitor details when you want specific information about a competitor during a sales deal. Here's how to view competitor information:

  1. Navigate to Sales > Competitors.

  2. Select a competitor in the list and view the details.

  3. Here's a summary of information that gets stored about competitors in their profiles:



    Organization Name

    Name of the competitor.

    Name Suffix

    Value appended to the name of the Organization Name for the competitor.

    Chief Executive Name

    Name of the competitor company's chief executive officer or highest-level employee.

    Line of Business

    Line of business of the competitor company's products.

    D-U-N-S Number

    Dun & Bradstreet Corporation unique nine-digit identification number for the competitor company.

    Organization Size

    Size of the competitor company.

    Year Established

    Year the competitor company was first started.

    Threat Level

    Perceived threat level of the competitor in closing deals, such as low, medium, and high.

    Year Incorporated

    Year the competitor company was first incorporated.

    Stock Symbol

    Stock symbol for the competitor company in the financial markets.

    Fiscal Year End Month

    Month that the competitor company closes its fiscal year.

    Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Credit Rating

    Credit rating of the competitor company with Dun & Bradstreet Corporation.

    Privately Owned

    Indicates the competitor company is privately owned.

    Minority Owned

    Indicates that the competitor company is minority owned.

    Small Business

    Indicates that the competitor company is a small business.


    Status of the competitor record, either active or inactive.

    This table shows the information available in the details tabs of the Edit Competitor page:



    SWOT Analysis

    Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) value for a competitor. This analysis helps you understand, plan, and craft an effective competitive strategy when facing a competitive threat on a deal.

    Product groups

    Product groups the competitor company is associated with. You can associate product groups using the Competitive Presence node in the desktop UI customer pages.


    View historical and current opportunities associated with the competitor.


    Attachments are files, free-form text, or URLs that can give you information that helps you position products or solutions against specific competitors.

    Internal Experts

    Internal experts are people in your company who are experts on the competitor.


    Geographies where the competitor company is present.


    Industries where the competitor competes with your company.

You can also view revenue at stake for the competitor. The Revenue at Stake area in the Edit Competitor page shows the revenue that potentially could be lost to the competitor. The data comes from product or product group revenue on the opportunities where the customer is present.

You may want to view notes associated with the competitor, if entered by the administrator. Notes are stored in the contextual area of the Edit Competitor page.