View Resource Information

You can use the Resource Directory to view the detailed information about the resources in an organization. Sales representatives and sales managers are examples of resources.

As a sales representative, you can view the profile details of the resources within your organization. You can also modify part of your own profile, skills, and additional contact information. As a sales manager, you can modify the skill information of your direct and indirect reports.

Here's how you view the details of a resource:

  1. Click Navigator > Resource Directory.

    The page displays the organizational structure between you and your manager.

  2. View your details or another resource's details using the following steps:

    • Click Tasks > View Resource Details to view your details.

      The Resource page with your details appears.

    • Click Tasks > View Resources to view the profile information of another resource.

      The View Resources page appears. You can search for the required resource and click on the resource name in the search results to view the details of the resource. Note that the Effective As-of Date defaults to the system date for predefined resources. If a resource has been end dated earlier, the resource won't appear in the search results. Therefore change the Effective As-of Date so that it falls between the resource's start date and end date, that's when the resource was active.

    The Resource page displays the details about the resource, such as usages, registry ID, manager, job title, department, roles, mail stop, phone, email, address, and time zone.

  3. In the Resource page, you can see the details about a resource, such as usages, registry ID, manager, job title, department, roles, mail stop, phone, email, address, and time zone.

    • Organizations: Displays the organization membership details of the resource such as role, organization, usage, and manager.

    • Teams: Displays the team information of the resource, such as role, team, team usage, and team manager.

    • Roles: Displays the role information of the resource, such as role name, member, manager, administrator, and lead.

    • Skills: Displays the skills of the resource, such as accomplishments, skills, competencies, degrees, honors and awards, languages, licenses and certifications, problem codes, and work requirements.

    • Additional Contact Information: Displays additional contact point information such as phone, email, web, and contact preferences.

  4. Click Save if you made any updates, or else click Cancel.