View Sales Record Details

From the add-in, you can see sales record details in various ways.

View Account, Contact, Lead, and Opportunity Details

See the accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunity details from the side panel.

See Opportunity Quotes and Download the Proposal

From the Microsoft 365 add-in, you can see quotes for your opportunities. If a proposal was generated for a quote in the sales application, you can download it from the add-in. Here are the steps to view quotes and download the proposal associated with a quote:

  1. Open an opportunity and go to the Quotes and Orders tab.

  2. You can see the details, such as quote name, status, amount, and version.

  3. If a quote has a proposal generated in your sales application, you can find the link to the proposal. Click the link to download the proposal. The proposal is downloaded as a PDF file.

  4. To view the corresponding record of this quote in your sales application, select the Open in CX Sales option from the menu (the ellipsis ... icon).

View Service Requests

Use the service request functionality to review and update service requests in the Microsoft 365 side panel, without explicitly going into your sales application. You can also link service requests to emails to send to or receive information from your customers.

Service requests are available here:

  • Related records in the side panel

  • Related items in the Accounts and Contacts tabs

Click on an applicable service request to see its details.