What happens when the AI lead score changes ?

The AI Lead Score is associated with the AI Update Who Columns Threshold (ORA_ZCA_AI_UPDATE_WHO_THRESHOLD) profile option value.

The profile option is set to a predefined value of 5 which represents the percentage threshold value of a potential change in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) lead score based on data from Oracle AI Apps for Sales.When the AI Lead Score changes, and if your administrator has exposed the AI Lead Score field, then the latest score value is displayed on the Lead details page. In the Workspace UI, the latest value of the AI lead score is available only if the recent change exceeds or equals the percentage threshold value specified in the AI Update Who Columns Threshold profile option.

When a change to the AI Lead Score exceeds or equals the percentage threshold value, the Last Updated Date field gets updated for the lead. This ensures that the updated records are included in the next run of the Adaptive Search indexing process.