Who can view the record sets for leads for saved searches?

The different record sets provided in the Saved Searches window restrict your saved searches to different sets of leads.

The following table lists and describes the record sets for leads. Not all record sets are available to all users. For example, the record sets involving subordinates are available only to managers.

Tip: To improve saved search performance, restrict your saved searches to smaller record sets. For example, rather than searching all the records you can see, search all the records in your territory hierarchy. Or restrict your searches to a smaller geographical area. For example, search all the leads in one state instead of the whole country.

Record Set Name


I own

Leads you own, including those leads you created or where ownership is assigned to you.

I am on the team

Leads where you're on the lead team. You are on the lead team if you're the lead owner or were added as a member by another team member.

My territory

Leads in your sales territories.

My subordinates own

Leads where you or your subordinates are on the lead team.

My territory hierarchy

Leads in your sales territories and all of their subordinate territories in the sales territory hierarchy.

All records I can see

Leads that you can view based on your lead team membership, sales territory assignments, your position in the organization, and security permissions.