Delete or Truncate Interface Tables

Use the Delete or Truncate Interface Tables scheduled process to clean up the interface tables to improve the import performance. These import interface tables are for Account, Contact, and Household import.

When to Use

This scheduled process is used to delete or truncate the interface tables, after a file-based import job is completed and the data is moved to the base tables from the interface tables.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege or role:

  • Master Data Management Application Administrator

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • You can run this scheduled process based upon your need. This is to remove data from HZ interface tables. If import is used to load high volume data, you can use this scheduled process to clean the data from interface table at regular intervals.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is self-incompatible. If multiple instances are submitted, the first instance runs and subsequent instances remain in blocked status until the first instance is completed.


You might need to specify some of the following parameters:


Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Action Code


Action to be performed in interface or table.




Truncate Interface


Truncate interface.



Truncates Interface tables

Note: If there are no values passed this process exits and doesn't delete any tables. This scheduled process doesn't process any data when an active import is in progress.

Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process.

  • Check the log or output file.

  • If the scheduled process didn't run successfully, you can re-submit the process after rectifying the error.

  • This scheduled process is idempotent, which means, this scheduled process can be restarted if it failed in the initial run. No cleanup is required.

  • To verify that this scheduled process ran successfully from the application (and not from logs or pages), you can use the count of data deleted or truncated from interface table.