Process Click History Mapping Data

Use the Process Click History Mapping Data scheduled process to update Click History data with mapping information.

When to Use

This scheduled process:
  • Adds additional detail on clicks to the data set.
  • This scheduled process is required for the Application Usage Insights Telemetry Application.
  • This scheduled process is predefined as an hourly job.
  • If this job isn't run, the Application Usage Insights Application doesn't work as expected.
  • The ORA_ZCA_CH_DISABLE profile option affects the execution of this job. If you set this profile option value to Yes, the harvested clicks aren't processed.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges or roles:
  • Privileges
    • Populate Click Description Process privilege (ORA_ZCA_POPULATE_CLICK_DESCRIPTIONS_PRIV)
  • Roles
    • Sales Administrator
    • Sales VP
    • Sales Manager

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:
  • Recommended Frequency:
    • This job runs daily automatically.
  • Execution Time:
    • This scheduled process is predefined to work against the set of clicks harvested per one hour frequency. The number of records processed depends upon your environment.
    • This scheduled process completes running few hundreds of records within a minute.
  • Compatibility:
    • None
    • This scheduled process is an independent process.



Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the job on the Scheduled Process navigation menu.
  • If this scheduled process errored, the status is marked as errored.
  • This scheduled process is idempotent and can be run multiple times.
  • To troubleshoot further, you must enable the Apps Logger to FINEST for the user running the scheduled process and collect the application logs.
  • After this scheduled process completes successfully, you can successfully launch the Application Usage Insights App and view the different telemetry metrics. You can view the telemetry metrics by navigating from Sales > Application Usage Onsights.