Purge Interactions

Use the Purge Interactions scheduled process to purge the SVC_INTERACTIONS, SVC_INTERACTION_REFS, and SVC_MCA_INTERACTION_SUMMARY tables.

This process deletes records in the SVC_INTERACTIONS, SVC_INTERACTION_REFS and SVC_MCA_INTERACTION_SUMMARY tables that are older than the specified number of days, are in a closed status and not associated with any open business objects. The retention period is specified using the profile option SVC_INTERACTION_RETENTION_DAYS.

When to Use

This process is used to reduce space in the database consumed by interactions. Running this scheduled process removes interactions that are older than the specified period. To be deleted, interactions must adhere to all the following criteria:

  • They must be older than the specified number of days.

  • They must be in a closed state.

  • They must not be associated with an open business objects.

  • If they have a parent interaction, the parent must be in a closed state.

  • If they have child interactions, the child interactions must all be in a closed state.

Note: Removing interactions removes entries from the Interaction History page. This page can be used to view corresponding chat transcripts and wrap-up details.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:


Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • The frequency is dictated by your data retention requirements.

  • Execution Time:

    • This scheduled process should complete quickly. But the execution time is dependent on the amount of data being deleted.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process doesn't affect the performance.


There are no parameters for this scheduled process. This scheduled process uses the SVC_INTERACTION_RETENTION_DAYS profile option to control the size of the retention window.

Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process.

  • If this scheduled process fails, the next run should pick up and delete any data older than the specified retention period.

  • If an interaction doesn't get purged, verify that there are no open business objects associated with the interaction. Also verify that all child or parent interactions are closed.