How do I refresh denormalized data for account hierarchy?

Use the Refresh Denormalized Data for Account Hierarchy scheduled process to refresh the denormalized data for the account hierarchy.

This scheduled process is used to update and organize the information about accounts

When to Use

This schedule process:
  • This scheduled process impacts hierarchy data.
  • You won’t be able to get the hierarchy data if you don’t run this scheduled process. The denormalized table will be blank.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege:
Verify that you have the following roles:
  • Sales Admin

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • On regular intervals depending on how frequently the hierarchy data is getting changed or manipulated.

    • After an upgrade, a full refresh should only be performed once. Rerun requests should only be made when data has been added to or deleted from the hierarchy. Depending on how frequently the hierarchy is altered, you must schedule this job and choose the frequency. This scheduled process does a full refresh for the first time. In the subsequent runs, it syncs only impacted hierarchies.
  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is self-incompatible. If multiple instances are submitted, the first instance runs and subsequent instances remain in blocked status until the first instance is completed.


You might need to specify some of the following parameters:


Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Full Refresh


Default value: No

After an upgrade, a full refresh should only be performed once. Rerun requests should only be made when data has been added to or deleted from the hierarchy. Depending on how frequently the hierarchy is altered, you must schedule this job and choose the frequency. A job will behave as a Full Refresh if it is run in this mode for the first time; otherwise, the job will sync only impacted nodes.


Under Advanced Options, you need to expose a parameter for Full Refresh under Parameters tab which is by default selected as "No"


Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process.

  • Check the log or output file.

  • If the scheduled process didn't run successfully, you can re-submit the process after rectifying the error.

  • This scheduled process is idempotent, which means, this scheduled process can be restarted if it failed in the initial run. No cleanup is required.

  • You can create a notification schedule. To do this: Click Advanced Options and go to the Notification tab on the Process Details page.