Automatically Send a Mail-Merged Email

To automatically send mail-merged emails to contacts, you add the Email Automation step. Here's how.


  • Create the email automation step with these entries:
    Field Value
    Step Name Enter the name of the step. What you enter is only visible in the setup UI.
    Suggestion Text Optional description, not visible outside the setup UI.
    Type Email Automation
    Execution Automatic (This field is not editable).
  • While editing the properties, enter the following:
    Field Value
    Send Email to Contacts Linked with the Lead/ Opportunity Where Enter any additional conditions for selecting the records that trigger the email. Any conditions you enter here are in addition to the conditions you entered in the orchestration itself. For example, you can specify that you want to send emails only to contacts where the Do Not Mail attribute is null.
    Use Email Template Select the email template. The list of values lists all of the templates for the object.
    Receive Reply to Complete Step Select this option if you want to consider the step a success when you receive a reply to the email.
    Grace Period to Complete If you opted to deem the step a success when the customer replies, then enter the period of time you want to wait for the response before moving the step to the next failure step.
    Complete Objectives Select any objectives this step completes. (In the Steps tab version, this field appears at the bottom of the page.

How Salespeople Interact with This Step

The step doesn't display for salespeople. The email is sent automatically. However, the email is recorded in Activities where salespeople can forward it or followup with additional emails in the same thread.