Create Email Templates

You can create email templates that can be used both by salespeople and by automated processes in orchestrations. You create the templates for a specific object and can include attributes from that object as mail merge fields. Salespeople who are using the template to send emails to customers can modify the text, and add their signatures and attachments.

Before you start

If you want to send HTML emails with images, then you must author the HTML ahead of time and copy it into the template. Any images must be referenced by URLs. Salespeople reviewing the emails before sending them don't see the HTML code.

Here's what to do

  1. Sign in as an administrator.
  2. Ensure that you're in an active sandbox.
  3. Navigate to Application Composer.
  4. Click Message Templates.
    Important: Don't click Email Templates by a mistake. That's a different feature entirely.
  5. On the Manage Message Templates page, select + Create from the Actions drop-down list.
  6. Give the template a name and description. Salespeople see the name when they select the template.
  7. Select the object. A template can be used only for sending emails for the object. For example, salespeople who email a customer from a leads record only see the active leads email templates.
  8. If you don't want to make the template available for use while you're drafting it, switch the Active switch off. Templates are active by default.
  9. Enter the subject and message content.
    Use the Attributes list to insert the mail-merge fields.
    Tip: If the meaning of the attribute isn't intuitive, click the attribute to add it as a merge field to see its technical name. Some of the attributes in the list have the same name. For example, for Opportunities, there are two attributes with the name "Account". The technical name for the first is TargetPartyId. The second is TargetPartyName.
  10. Click Save.